Our stories and our feelings about them matter. Honor them.
Telling our stories helps to connect and remind us all that we have more in common than we know. My specialty is helping people who rarely see stories like theirs told. Working together, my participants learn to transform their hesitancy, resistance, and uncertainty into confidence, affirmation, and connection to their truth and the many people for whom it resonates. With the help of my process, participants learn how to write their story with ease to make significant progress or complete their first draft of a solo show, memoir, keynote, or personal essay, so they can move beyond self doubt, procrastination, and disorganization and offer their fascinating stories to the world, which needs them. It can also lead to new doors opening for the people telling those stories. Scroll down or click on the menu bar above for testimonials. To take a free session of my Tell Your Story workshop, click here.
In these workshops, you'll receive:
• great writing prompts
• weekly messages with links to inspiring articles/interviews between sessions
• assignments that help you to make real progress
• handout with helpful writing tips, recommended reading & viewing, and more
• help drafting an outline for your show
• guidance from a professional, internationally touring solo performer and published essayist who grew up interculturally
• my free eBook with more tips on creating a solo show or memoir
...all in a safe space that honors your story and your feelings about it. I'd love for you to join me.
• weekly messages with links to inspiring articles/interviews between sessions
• assignments that help you to make real progress
• handout with helpful writing tips, recommended reading & viewing, and more
• help drafting an outline for your show
• guidance from a professional, internationally touring solo performer and published essayist who grew up interculturally
• my free eBook with more tips on creating a solo show or memoir
...all in a safe space that honors your story and your feelings about it. I'd love for you to join me.
To take a free session of my Tell Your Story workshop, watch this:
click for details
Immersive: Solo Show, Memoir, Keynote
Sundays, 11am-1pm Pacific Time (12 weekly sessions)
May 12-July 28
On top of 3 months of weekly classes, this is also included:
• 30 min in-class performance/reading with feedback as preparation for the final workshop performance/reading
1 private coaching session
• 1 written script assessment
• 2 Monthly Pop-in Workshops on first Fridays
• Handouts: on creation timeline, structure, writing/creativity tips, recommended reading & viewing
• Live-streamed workshop performance or reading for an invited audience
Solo Show, Memoir, Keynote, Personal Essay Workshop
Sundays, 11am-1pm Pacific Time (6 weekly sessions)
$525 US (inquire about discount for former participants)
Dates TBD
You’ll walk away with rich material, an outline, and a finessed scene or chapter that’s ready to share outside of class!
Pop-in Workshops online
"Jumpstart Your Story"
$200 (inquire about discount for former participants)
Dates TBD
12-5pm Pacific Time (one 5-hour session)
You’ll walk away with rich material, an outline, and inspiration to continue creating beyond the workshop!12-5pm Pacific Time (one 5-hour session)
$200 (inquire about discount for former participants)
60-90 minutes depending on number of participants
1 writing prompt, then share material you’ve brought in for feedback
Dates TBD
$30 + Eventbrite fee
Click here to register.
Click here to register.
Complete Your Solo Show or Memoir online
Dates TBD, early evenings Pacific Time
Discounts for former participants.
To schedule a free phone or video chat to discuss your project and my workshop rates, here is my meeting calendar.
Pick a time/date that works for you!
Dates TBD, early evenings Pacific Time
You will walk away with a complete draft and a staged reading for your first audience!
On top of 6 months of weekly classes, this is also included: •
3 private coaching sessions
• 2 script critiques
• Handouts: on creation timeline, structure, writing/creativity tips, recommended reading & viewing
• 3 FREE Monthly Pop-in Workshops on first Fridays
• 30 min in-class performances/readings with written feedback to allow you to workshop large chunks of material & prepare you for the final workshop performance/reading
• Full-length live-streamed workshop performance or reading for an invited audience.
Discounts for former participants.
To schedule a free phone or video chat to discuss your project and my workshop rates, here is my meeting calendar.
Pick a time/date that works for you!
One-on-One Solo Show Coaching
I also work one-on-one with solo show creators who are unable to participate in group workshops. Meetings are online.
I also work one-on-one with solo show creators who are unable to participate in group workshops. Meetings are online.
click for details
Weekly Solo Show Coaching
For 6 weeks, I will work with you once per week online. Each session is an hour long (with leeway for an added 10-15 minutes if needed). You present 20 minutes of your work on your feet and then I work with you on it for the rest of the session. Sometimes you’ll work on more than one 20-minute segment, depending on how many notes I have.
You’ll bring a recording device to each session in order to later transcribe improvisations, notes, and your spoken answers to questions. The recording device is an invaluable tool in the creation process.
Homework is assigned if necessary, depending on how much material you have already.
Monthly Solo Show Coaching
For 6 months, I work with you once per month online. Each session is an hour long (with leeway for an added 10-15 minutes if needed). The process is the same as it is in the Weekly Coaching; it’s simply less frequent.
Solo Show Coaching + Script Assessment
This package is for people who want to have a first draft or revised draft and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen. It includes:
• 6 weekly or monthly coaching sessions
• 1 in-depth written script assessment
• Final (7th) session, where you present your draft, receive final notes, and are congratulated on your tremendous achievement!
The entire process is covered in 10 weeks or 7 months, depending on the frequency of meetings (weekly or monthly).
The Kickstart Your Solo Show session
Sometimes all you need is 90 laser-focused minutes of coaching to kickstart the process of creating your solo show. You’ll get:
• in-session writing prompts
• feedback on any material you bring in
• suggestions for how to open and/or close your show by the end of the session
• a handout of helpful tips to send you on your way. This session kicks your butt into gear.
To schedule a free phone or video chat to discuss your project, here is my meeting calendar.
Pick a time/date that works for you!
Workshops for Colleges, Universities, International Schools, High Schools
The workshops encourage and empower young people to explore the possibilities of intersectional and multicultural storytelling in a stimulating and enriching atmosphere.
The workshops encourage and empower young people to explore the possibilities of intersectional and multicultural storytelling in a stimulating and enriching atmosphere.
click for details
One of many testimonials: "You were fantastic and you opened up so many possibilities for my students and helped create a dynamic class environment. We have really benefited from the workshop. I can't thank you enough.”
-Laura Kina, Vincent de Paul Professor of Art, Media, and Design, DePaul University
The workshops are humanistic and heuristic at their core. Participants feel safe to express themselves creatively and authentically in the environment I create. My workshops are for everyone, whether they're bookish or extroverted, a global citizen or have spent their whole life in the same place.
My pedagogical approach is rooted in a Socratic and collaborative structure, allowing pupils, foreign and domestic students alike, to spearhead positive change and moral development during and after the workshop. The workshop helps participants to strengthen their social and emotional learning (SEL) skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
I nurture a supportive atmosphere that encourages students to express their desires and goals on the page and stage. This sparks academic and social development, enriches students' creative competencies, and is sure to make them lifelong learners.
The workshop and my film Alien Citizen are both perfect for anthropology/sociology, ethnic studies, theatre, women’s & gender studies, study abroad programs, International Baccalaureate World Schools, bilingual schools, international trainings, and other learning communities.
-Laura Kina, Vincent de Paul Professor of Art, Media, and Design, DePaul University
The workshops are humanistic and heuristic at their core. Participants feel safe to express themselves creatively and authentically in the environment I create. My workshops are for everyone, whether they're bookish or extroverted, a global citizen or have spent their whole life in the same place.
My pedagogical approach is rooted in a Socratic and collaborative structure, allowing pupils, foreign and domestic students alike, to spearhead positive change and moral development during and after the workshop. The workshop helps participants to strengthen their social and emotional learning (SEL) skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
I nurture a supportive atmosphere that encourages students to express their desires and goals on the page and stage. This sparks academic and social development, enriches students' creative competencies, and is sure to make them lifelong learners.
The workshop and my film Alien Citizen are both perfect for anthropology/sociology, ethnic studies, theatre, women’s & gender studies, study abroad programs, International Baccalaureate World Schools, bilingual schools, international trainings, and other learning communities.
To schedule a free phone or video chat to discuss how my workshop would help your students and give you a respite from lecturing, here is my meeting calendar.
Pick a time/date that works for you!
Pick a time/date that works for you!
Assessment of Memoir Manuscripts
Separate from my workshops, I also assess memoirs that are "in process" or not at their final draft.
Separate from my workshops, I also assess memoirs that are "in process" or not at their final draft.
click for details
“They might be the smartest, most insightful and helpful notes I've ever received. Thank you again. I'm sending everybody I know to you.”
- Scott Barry, Playwright/Screenwriter/Solo Performer
I read your manuscript thoroughly, looking at story/content, narrative voice, character arc, plot, structure, back story, consistency, clarity, cultural sensitivity, and syntax. I also give general feedback on grammar and punctuation if necessary. (This does not include formal proofreading or copyediting; rather, I give examples when there are numerous errors.) You have several options:
- Scott Barry, Playwright/Screenwriter/Solo Performer
I read your manuscript thoroughly, looking at story/content, narrative voice, character arc, plot, structure, back story, consistency, clarity, cultural sensitivity, and syntax. I also give general feedback on grammar and punctuation if necessary. (This does not include formal proofreading or copyediting; rather, I give examples when there are numerous errors.) You have several options:
Written Assessment of Complete Draft
A constructive, detailed written assessment of your complete draft, which will be sent to you 4-6 weeks* after receiving your manuscript. (I will confirm the deadline with you.) Assessments are generally between 1,500 and 4,000 words (guideline only) depending on the material you submit.
*I also offer “short turnaround” assessments within 2 weeks of receiving manuscripts.
Telephoned/Video Chat Assessment of Complete Draft
A constructive, detailed assessment over the telephone or online, 4-6 weeks* after receiving your complete draft. (I will confirm the deadline with you.) Assessments over the telephone/online last between 30 and 60 minutes.
*I also offer “short turnaround” assessments within two weeks of receiving manuscripts.
Telephoned/Video Chat Assessment of Work in Progress
Constructive, detailed assessments over the telephone or online, 1-2 weeks after receiving each segment of your work-in-progress. (I will confirm each deadline with you.) We will have monthly meetings for 6-12 months as you work to complete your manuscript.
Written Mini-Assessment
A constructive, detailed written assessment of the first few chapters of your manuscript (up to 8,000 words). The assessment will be sent to you within 2 weeks of receiving your manuscript.
Sensitivity | Authenticity | Equity | Targeted Beta Reading
I am also a sensitivity reader who works with authors and publishers. Click here to learn more.
To schedule a phone or video chat to discuss your project, here is my meeting calendar.
Pick a time/date that works for you!
Pick a time/date that works for you!
These workshops are not an alternative to therapy, counseling, psychoanalysis, or support groups. Mine is a certified Trauma-Informed Practice, but that does not make me a mental health professional. I can only facilitate the telling of your story.
For more info on the workshops or assessments, please email me (Lisa) OR schedule a phone or video chat to discuss your project using my meeting calendar.
You can also sign up to receive my free eBook with writing prompts to get you started! You’ll also get infrequent messages with new prompts and updates.
I respect your privacy and will never, ever share your information with anyone.
"You were fantastic and you opened up so many possibilities for my students and helped create a dynamic class environment. We have really benefited from the workshop. I can't thank you enough."
-Laura Kina, Vincent de Paul Professor of Art, Media, and Design at DePaul University
"Elizabeth is an extraordinarily insightful thinker on others' life writing--I've seen her in action, asking people such perceptive questions and bringing them into their stories in ways they had never anticipated and found beautiful."
-Professor Wendy L. Belcher, Princeton University
Click here for more Testimonials from Professors
"It was filled with moments of great pleasure and great growth for me. To me, that is some of the most wonderful stuff in life, and I am tremendously grateful."
-Lisa Dring, Actor and Creator of the solo show Death Play
"Taking Lisa’s solo writing workshop is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. It was amazing to see the evolution of my work in such a short amount of time. I had been working on a solo piece for 5 years and never really knew what it was truly about, or what catalyzed its creation. Lisa’s incredibly insightful questions have turned it into something honest, relatable and something I now need to perform. Lisa’s workshops were always the highlight of my week and she’s just as excited about seeing your work as you are about sharing it. I also loved how she encourages you between workshops with helpful articles and encouraging quotes about writing. Do yourself a favor and take this class!"
-Julie Gouin, Teacher/Writer/Actress
Click here for many more Testimonials from Participants
My 10+ years of leading workshops have produced inspiring results for participants at conferences, on college campuses, and in private sessions. See testimonials above and list of past workshops below.
click for list
Private workshops
Over 45 in person and online, local and international, since 2013
Campus/Conference/Corporate workshops
90-minute screening & workshop at USC in April 2024
Hourlong workshop at AIELOC Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam in January 2024
Two hourlong workshops online for DEI event at international school in Singapore in April 2023
Three-hour workshop online for ArtsMBA in February 2023
75-minute workshop for Hillsborough Community College via Zoom in October 2021
Over 45 in person and online, local and international, since 2013
Campus/Conference/Corporate workshops
90-minute screening & workshop at USC in April 2024
90-minute workshop for Global Roots & Routes in Tokyo, Japan in January 2024
Hourlong workshop at AIELOC Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam in January 2024
Two hourlong workshops online for DEI event at international school in Singapore in April 2023
Three-hour workshop online for ArtsMBA in February 2023
75-minute workshop for Hillsborough Community College via Zoom in October 2021
90-minute workshop for University of Chicago via Zoom in May 2021
90-minute workshop for Tennessee Tech via Zoom in April 2021
90-minute workshop for Vassar College via Zoom in March 2021
3-hour workshop for California State University, Los Angeles in March 2020
90-minute workshop at TCK Symposium at Lewis & Clark College in February 2020
75-minute workshop at NAFSA XII Conference in November 2019
90-minute workshop for Vassar College via Zoom in March 2021
3-hour workshop for California State University, Los Angeles in March 2020
90-minute workshop at TCK Symposium at Lewis & Clark College in February 2020
75-minute workshop at NAFSA XII Conference in November 2019
3-hour workshop for Wellesley College in March 2019
2-hour workshop for Saint Mary’s College (IN) in February 2019
2-hour workshop for California State Summer School for the Arts at CalArts in July 2018
90-minute workshop at the Critical Mixed Race Conference at University of Maryland in March 2018
2-hour workshop at Bootleg Theater in November 2017
2-hour workshop at California State University, Los Angeles in October 2017
90-minute workshop as guest lecturer at DePaul University in September 2015
50-minute workshop as guest lecturer at Princeton University in February 2014 (pictured above)
Two 90-minute workshops at California State University, Los Angeles in January 2014
Concurrent Session on writing a TCK solo show, memoir, or personal essay at the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) conference in Virginia, March 2014 and in Maryland, March 2013

(Photograph by Daniel Lawrence: Princeton University)

(Screenshot of workshop at Hillsborough Community College via Zoom)
I can tell you how to write a one woman show because I created my own mixed
heritage one woman show / mixed race solo show / multi-ethnic solo show / multilingual one person show! I specialize in the kind of storytelling and making theatre that highlights intersectionality. My show resulted in an international tour, and so can yours.