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 Photo of Elizabeth Liang: actress, writer, producer, and workshop leader

Our stories and our feelings about them matter. Honor them.

Have you been yearning to tell your intercultural, intersectional, or just plain hard-to-label story, but refrained due to the fear that no one will care, you won’t finish it, someone will get hurt, or any other reason(s)?
Learn the surprising secrets to writing or speaking about your life with confidence, focus, pleasure, courage...and zero resistance. The rewards: creative flow, connection, validation, respect, and even healing!

What is it costing you not to have your voice, your story, in the world?

If you’re thinking of creating a solo show, writing a memoir or personal essay, sharing at a storytelling venue, or delivering a keynote or TED Talk, click here.

Participants have gone on to have their work published and produced!

Others are now creating with confidence and inspiration!

It would be my privilege to help you tell your unique, shocking, hilarious, poignant, harrowing, unpredictable, impossible-to-label story.

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